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1026 Results for search "Psychology / Mental Health: Misc.".

Health News Results - 1026

14 Mar
Playing With Dogs Relieves Stress In Humans And Canines Alike

Playing With Dogs Relieves Stress In Humans And Canines Alike

Playing with a dog for just 15 minutes can significantly reduce a person’s stress, a new study reports.

Stressed students who interacted with a friendly dog ...

10 Mar
1 In 15 Americans Have Survived A Mass Shooting, Survey Says

1 In 15 Americans Have Survived A Mass Shooting, Survey Says

A startling number of Americans have witnessed a mass shooting in their lifetime, a new study suggests.

About 1 in 15 adults have been present at the scene of a mass shooting, and more than 2% have been injured in one, researchers say in

04 Mar
Bad Meetings Can Leave You With a Productivity 'Hangover'

Bad Meetings Can Leave You With a Productivity 'Hangover'

Bad meetings don’t just waste time -- they can leave workers with a "meeting hangover," new research shows.

More than 90% of employees surveyed by the University of North Carolina at Charlot...

04 Mar
Coaches Are Abusive To 1 In 5 NCAA Athletes, Survey Finds

Coaches Are Abusive To 1 In 5 NCAA Athletes, Survey Finds

Yelling. Taunts. Insults. Harsh words. Physical violence.

About 1 in 5 college athletes receive such abuse from their coaches, researchers report.

Overall, nearly 19% of more than 3,300 athletes on National College Athletic Association (NCAA) teams said they’...

03 Mar
Seniors Overlooked By Suicide Prevention Programs

Seniors Overlooked By Suicide Prevention Programs

Suicide prevention campaigns are overlooking seniors, even though people 75 and older have the highest rates of suicide for any age group, a new study says.

None of the seven most prominent suicide prevention programs include any messaging aimed at at-risk seniors on the...

28 Feb
COVID Hospital Patients Face Increased Risk Of Death For 2+ Years Afterward

COVID Hospital Patients Face Increased Risk Of Death For 2+ Years Afterward

FRIDAY, Feb. 28, 2025 (HealthDay News) People hospitalized for a severe bout of COVID-19 are far from in the clear after they've recovered enough to return home, a new study says.


28 Feb
Physical Activity Linked to Better Mental, Brain Health

Physical Activity Linked to Better Mental, Brain Health

Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests.

Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain health, researchers will report in early April at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego and online.

Moderate to vigorou...

24 Feb
Narcissists Feel Left Out and Fuel More Rejection, Study Finds

Narcissists Feel Left Out and Fuel More Rejection, Study Finds

Narcissists may seem self-assured, but new research shows they often feel excluded -- and their behavior may be making things worse.

Hallmarks of narcissm include an inflated sense of one's importance, a hunger for admiration and negative response to criticism. The new r...

24 Feb
Parents' Mental Health Impacts Kids' Risk of ADHD, Anxiety

Parents' Mental Health Impacts Kids' Risk of ADHD, Anxiety

A parent’s mental health appears to influence their kids’ chances of developing anxiety, ADHD and other behavioral disorders, a new study says.

Children were more than four ti...

20 Feb
LGBTQ+ Stress and Stigma Increase Risk of Mental Health Problems

LGBTQ+ Stress and Stigma Increase Risk of Mental Health Problems

The societal stress and stigma of being LGBTQ+ can increase a person’s risk of mental health problems, a new study suggests.

People in sexual and gender minorities are more likely than heterosexuals to suffer from problems like

17 Feb
U.S. Gambling Addiction Searches Soar With Legal Sports Betting

U.S. Gambling Addiction Searches Soar With Legal Sports Betting

Millions of Americans have sought help for gambling addiction in the wake of a 2018 U.S. Supreme Court decision that allowed states to legalize sports betting.

That's among the key findings in a

14 Feb
Seniors, Could Working Later in Life Be Healthy?

Seniors, Could Working Later in Life Be Healthy?

Most people who are working after age 50 say staying on the job boosts their health and well-being, and those over 65 report the most benefit, a new University of Michigan poll finds.


14 Feb
Zoo Workers Battle Grief When Animals in Their Care Die

Zoo Workers Battle Grief When Animals in Their Care Die

Zoo workers and volunteers often grieve when animals die, and zoo managers can do a better job of supporting them, a new study finds.

“Zoo professionals and volunteers frequently face significant emotional strain due to animal losses, yet structured organizational ...

13 Feb
Enjoying Valentine's Day When a Loved One Has Alzheimer's

Enjoying Valentine's Day When a Loved One Has Alzheimer's

Love doesn't fade when one member of a family develops Alzheimer's disease, but times of intimacy like Valentine's Day can become tougher.

Experts at the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) acknowledge that a loved one living with dementia can have trouble expressing...

12 Feb
More Evidence Ozempic Can Curb Alcoholism

More Evidence Ozempic Can Curb Alcoholism

Yet another study is supporting the notion that the blockbuster GLP-1 drug Ozempic can help problems drinkers curb their intake.

The research found that, compared to placebo, weekly injections of semaglutide (also marketed for weight loss as

11 Feb
Most Americans Keep Chronic Health Conditions Hidden at Work: Poll

Most Americans Keep Chronic Health Conditions Hidden at Work: Poll

Chronic ills like heart disease, asthma or diabetes afflict a majority of U.S. workers, but 60% of those affected say they've kept their health issue a secret from employers, a new poll finds.

More than a third of workers battling chronic conditions also said they'd skip...

11 Feb
'Playful' Approach to Life Pays Off, Study Finds

'Playful' Approach to Life Pays Off, Study Finds

Want to thrive in tough, stressful times? Stay playful.

That's the take-home message from a new study of who fared best, in terms of mental resiliency, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers said the findings have relevance to weathering any sort of trying times.<...

11 Feb
Most People Worldwide Lack Good Treatment for Mental Illness

Most People Worldwide Lack Good Treatment for Mental Illness

About 93% of people worldwide who struggle with mental health or substance abuse issues aren't getting adequate care, a new report finds.

In many cases, people affected by mental illness do not recognize that they have a diagnosable condition, the Canadian research team ...

10 Feb
Big Breakfasts Help Keep Heart Patients Happy, Study Shows

Big Breakfasts Help Keep Heart Patients Happy, Study Shows

When and what you eat might play a role in maintaining good mental health, a new study suggests.

Researchers in China found that folks with heart disease were more likely to keep depression at...

09 Feb
Being Optimistic May Help You Save More Money, Study Finds

Being Optimistic May Help You Save More Money, Study Finds

Turns out, looking on the bright side may do more than lift your mood! 

It could also help you save money, especially if you're on a tight budget.

A study published recently in the Jou...

07 Feb
Study Links Heavy Cannabis Use To Higher Death Risk, Psychosis

Study Links Heavy Cannabis Use To Higher Death Risk, Psychosis

Heavy weed use may be far more dangerous than people realize, according to a pair of studies published in JAMA Network Open.

People diagnosed with cannabis use disorder (CUD) may face nearly triple the risk of death over five years compared to those without the ...

06 Feb
Good Mental Health Could Be Key to Hip Fracture Recovery

Good Mental Health Could Be Key to Hip Fracture Recovery

Many seniors suffer long-term health issues after a hip fracture, even after hip replacement surgeries. 

Now, research shows that a patient's mental health could be crucial to how well they bounce back in the years after these injuries.

"Addressing overall men...

05 Feb
Kids Consume More Mature Media When Parents Overuse Screens

Kids Consume More Mature Media When Parents Overuse Screens

Yikes! The way parents use their phones around their kids may influence how much inappropriate content kids consume.

Researchers reported Feb. 4 in the journal BMC Pediatrics ...

05 Feb
Everyone's Happiest In The Morning, Study Says

Everyone's Happiest In The Morning, Study Says

Never mind the grumbles and groans that accompany a clock alarm, along with a lunge for the snooze bar and murmurs of “five more minutes.”

People generally wake in their best frame of mind, enjoying peak mental health and wellbeing in the morning, researchers...

31 Jan
Calorie Labels Harmful For People With Eating Disorders

Calorie Labels Harmful For People With Eating Disorders

Calorie labels on restaurant menus are harming people with eating disorders, a new evidence review claims.

These labels are meant to make it healthier to eat out at restaurants, by informing customers of the calorie content of food choices.

But people diagnosed wit...

30 Jan
Crisis Services Haven't Adapted To New 988 Suicide Hotline

Crisis Services Haven't Adapted To New 988 Suicide Hotline

Most community crisis services did not expand following the launch of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, potentially blunting the effectiveness of the hotline, a new study says.

Walk-in psychiatric services, mobile crisis response units and suicide prevention program...

27 Jan
Highway Exhaust Linked to Depression in Women

Highway Exhaust Linked to Depression in Women

That busy highway could be contributing to depression, and not just because you’re snarled in a traffi...

26 Jan
AI Virtual Therapists Could Improve Mental Health Care, Studies Find

AI Virtual Therapists Could Improve Mental Health Care, Studies Find

Could a virtual avatar be the future of mental health care?  

New research shows that artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) goggles could revolutionize therapy -- helping patients overcome addiction and receive unbiased care.

A recent study in ...

23 Jan
Pregnancy Increases Mental Health Risk in MS Patients

Pregnancy Increases Mental Health Risk in MS Patients

Pregnancy increases the risk of mental illness among women with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Pregnant MS patients have a higher risk of mental illness both during gestation and in the first years after they give birth, researchers reported in a new study published Jan. 22 in...

23 Jan
Higher Stroke Risk Among Children of Divorce

Higher Stroke Risk Among Children of Divorce

A broken home seems to set a ticking time bomb in the brains of some children of divorce.

Seniors have a 61% higher risk of stroke if their paren...

21 Jan
Job Protections Improve Mental Health Among LGBTQ+ Workers

Job Protections Improve Mental Health Among LGBTQ+ Workers

TUESDAY, Jan. 21, 2025 (HealthDay New) -- A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision barring job discrimination significantly eased the minds of LGBTQ+ workers, a new study says.

The court extended employment protections to nearly 3.6 million LGBTQ+ people in 12 states with ...

21 Jan
Stressed-Out Surgeon? That's Good News for Patients!

Stressed-Out Surgeon? That's Good News for Patients!

Check out your surgeon as you’re wheeled into the operating room. Do they seem tense, on edge, or stressed out?

If so, that could be good news for you, a new study says.

The patients of stressed surgeons tend to suffer fewer major complications from surgery, ...

21 Jan
ADHD Diagnoses On The Rise Among Adults

ADHD Diagnoses On The Rise Among Adults

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses have increased among adults in recent years, while remaining stable among teenagers.

ADHD diagn...

20 Jan
Ketamine Use Is on the Rise in U.S.

Ketamine Use Is on the Rise in U.S.

Many more Americans are turning to ketamine for kicks, a new study reports.

Recreational use of the anesthetic...

17 Jan
Tourette Syndrome Often Overlooked in Girls

Tourette Syndrome Often Overlooked in Girls

Tourette syndrome is not being diagnosed promptly in women with the condition.

Women with Tourette syndrome are less likely to receive a diagnosis for the disorder, researchers reported in a study published Jan. 15 in the journal

16 Jan
Teen Stress Is Expensive, Experts Say -- So How Can We Reduce It?

Teen Stress Is Expensive, Experts Say -- So How Can We Reduce It?

Stressed-out teenagers appear to be dragging down the U.S. economy, a new study says.

Teenagers suffering from anxiety or depression are less likely to enter the w...

15 Jan
Retirement, Mental Health, and Alcohol Use: What They Have in Common

Retirement, Mental Health, and Alcohol Use: What They Have in Common

Retirement is meant to be a person’s chance to take it easy and enjoy life.

But for many, it’s a quick route to depression and boozing, researchers...

14 Jan
Sleep Deprivation Lets Intrusive Memories, Bad Thoughts Into the Mind

Sleep Deprivation Lets Intrusive Memories, Bad Thoughts Into the Mind

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are plagued by unwanted and distressing memories over which they have little to no control.

Doctors now think they understand why PTSD

13 Jan
Neglect Can Be as Damaging to Child Development as Abuse, in Some Ways

Neglect Can Be as Damaging to Child Development as Abuse, in Some Ways

Simple neglect can be as damaging to a child’s social development as physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

Children whose basic needs aren’t met...

10 Jan
Access to Green Space May Help Reduce Kids' Screen Time

Access to Green Space May Help Reduce Kids' Screen Time

Want to help your child cut back on their screen time?

Make sure you live near parks and other open spaces where they can frolic outside.

New research underlines the importance of green space access as an alternative to spending time on screens, described as watch...

10 Jan
Job Strain Can Worsen Sleep Longterm, Data Suggests

Job Strain Can Worsen Sleep Longterm, Data Suggests

Ever woke in the night with your thoughts racing about work problems, co-worker disputes, or heavy career decisions?

Well, it’s more common than you think.

Job stress is robbing U.S. workers of the sleep they need, researchers reported in a study published Ja...

10 Jan
Avoiding Isolation By Volunteering Offers Mental Health Benefits to Seniors

Avoiding Isolation By Volunteering Offers Mental Health Benefits to Seniors

Delivering meals to the infirm. Tutoring a student. Patrolling a city park. Helping out at a local library.

All these activities not only serve the community, but also can help seniors avoid

09 Jan
The Public Policies That Really Help Prevent Suicide

The Public Policies That Really Help Prevent Suicide

Some of the most effective public policies for suicide prevention aren’t crafted with suicide or mental health in mind, a new study says.

Efforts to increase the minimum wage, prohibit gender discrimination, or ...

07 Jan
Access to Medical Test Results Is Confusing, Anxiety-Provoking

Access to Medical Test Results Is Confusing, Anxiety-Provoking

Patients have more access to their own medical test results than ever before, thanks to legislation requiring results be released as soon as they’re available.

But that’s not necessarily a good thing, a new study warns.

Many patients are reading test re...

07 Jan
Caregivers Face Mental, Physical Health Risks

Caregivers Face Mental, Physical Health Risks

More and more adults are stuck in the middle of their families, caring not only for their children but also for aging parents and other older family members.

The mental and physical he...

06 Jan
Psychedelics May Boost Mental Health of People with Cancer in Recovery

Psychedelics May Boost Mental Health of People with Cancer in Recovery

Mind-opening psychedelic drugs can provide a needed boost to people dealing with cancer or struggling with alcoholism, according to a pair of new studies from New York University.

One study found that psilocybin -- the active ingredient in magic mushrooms -- significantl...

02 Jan
Who Knew Talk Therapy Could Ease Symptoms of this Skin Problem?

Who Knew Talk Therapy Could Ease Symptoms of this Skin Problem?

Eczema can be maddening, causing thick, scaly patches of dry skin that itch like the devil.

There’s no cure for the skin condition, but a new study shows that self-guided ...

30 Dec
Moms Take on 70% of 'Mental Load' for Household Tasks: Study

Moms Take on 70% of 'Mental Load' for Household Tasks: Study

If you're a mom right now, you are likely tearing your hair out as you juggle the sizable scheduling demands of the holiday season. Maybe you feel like you are carrying the load alone.

New research suggests you are not imagining things, and that it happens all year long ...

29 Dec
How to Manage the Blues this Holiday Season

How to Manage the Blues this Holiday Season

Blue Christmas, anyone? Holiday time can be wonderful, worrisome, energizing and depressing -- all at the same time.

There is no doubt about it: The holidays can be darn hard, especially when the season dredges up painful feelings or memories. Rather than stirring merr...

27 Dec
Money, Gun Violence, Hate Crimes: Poll Reveals Top Worries at the End of 2024

Money, Gun Violence, Hate Crimes: Poll Reveals Top Worries at the End of 2024

Should you cut back on doom scrolling in 2025?

Worries about money, gun violence and hate crimes ranked high among many people's lists of worries at the end of 2024, according to a poll that is part of American Psychiatric Association (APA)

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