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125 Results for search "Flu".

Health News Results - 125

28 Feb
Severe Flu Season Raises Concerns About Brain Complications in Kids

Severe Flu Season Raises Concerns About Brain Complications in Kids

As this year’s severe flu season rages across the country, federal health officials are investigating a rise in rare but life-threatening brain complications in children.


27 Feb
Second Flu Vaccine Meeting Canceled -- What Happens Next?

Second Flu Vaccine Meeting Canceled -- What Happens Next?

A federal vaccine advisory panel work session focused on next year's flu shot has been canceled without explanation.

It is the second vaccine advisory meeting that has been canceled or postponed since

21 Feb
This Flu Season Is Worst In A Decade

This Flu Season Is Worst In A Decade

The current flu season is shaping up to be the worst in a decade.

So far, there have been at least 29 million illnesses and 370,000 hospitalizations related to the flu -- the most since the 2015-2016 season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...

16 Feb
Flu and Stomach Bugs Are Spreading Fast—Are You Prepared?

Flu and Stomach Bugs Are Spreading Fast—Are You Prepared?

Flu season is in full swing, making it more important than ever to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

03 Feb
Severe Infections Double Risk of Heart Failure

Severe Infections Double Risk of Heart Failure

Landing in the hospital with COVID or the flu can put your heart health at dire risk, a new study suggests.

Adults hospitalized for a severe infection are more than twice as likely to develop

30 Jan
Americans Still Consider COVID Major Public Health Threat

Americans Still Consider COVID Major Public Health Threat

People still see COVID-19 as an ongoing public health threat, even though the pandemic officially ended in 2023, according to a new HealthDay/Harris Poll.

Nearly 3 in 4 people (72%)...

29 Jan
COVID-19 Remains Major Health Threat in U.S.

COVID-19 Remains Major Health Threat in U.S.

COVID-19 continues to be a threat to America’s health, causing more illness and death than either influenza or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a new study suggests.

COVID a...

25 Jan
How To Fight Common Wintertime Respiratory Viruses

How To Fight Common Wintertime Respiratory Viruses

In the throes of winter's yearly round of respiratory virus outbreaks, it pays to remember what Grandma told you.

Wash your hands often, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough and stay away from folks who may be infected. And, of course, wearing...

17 Jan
CDC Urges Faster Testing for Bird Flu Amid Growing Outbreak

CDC Urges Faster Testing for Bird Flu Amid Growing Outbreak

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging health care workers to accelerate bird flu testing for patients hospitalized with flu symptoms, as the H5N1 avian inf...

07 Jan
First U.S. Death From Bird Flu Reported in Louisiana

First U.S. Death From Bird Flu Reported in Louisiana

A Louisiana resident has died after being hospitalized with bird flu in December of last year, marking the first known U.S. death from the virus.

The patient who, "was over the age of 65 and was reported to have underlying medical conditions," state health officials anno...

07 Jan
Blood Test May Help Predict How Long Immunity Lasts

Blood Test May Help Predict How Long Immunity Lasts

It’s long been a mystery why folks need a flu vaccine every year, even though immunizations they got in childhood continue to protect them from measles and mumps.


30 Dec
CDC Reports Potentially Troublesome Mutations in Bird Flu Found in Louisiana Patient

CDC Reports Potentially Troublesome Mutations in Bird Flu Found in Louisiana Patient

Federal health officials have confirmed unsettling new details about the first United States case of severe bird flu, reported recently in a hospitalized patient in Louisiana.

Genetic samples from the patient contained mutations that could, in theory, help the virus bett...

27 Dec
Has RSV Vaccine Hesitancy Subsided?

Has RSV Vaccine Hesitancy Subsided?

More Americans believe in the effectiveness of vaccines developed to protect newborns and seniors against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

More than half of U.S. adults (52%) think th...

23 Dec
Flu Cases Start to Surge as Americans Prepare for Holiday Gatherings

Flu Cases Start to Surge as Americans Prepare for Holiday Gatherings

Predictably, flu season is in full swing, with cases surging across the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed Friday in a report.

Thirteen ...

18 Dec
Patient Hospitalized in Louisiana With First U.S. Case of Severe Bird Flu

Patient Hospitalized in Louisiana With First U.S. Case of Severe Bird Flu

In a case first reported in Louisiana last Friday, a patient has now developed the first known case of bird flu so severe as to require hospitalization, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Sixty other cases of H5N1 avian flu have been ...

22 Nov
Flu, COVID Vaccination Rates Remain Low as Winter Nears

Flu, COVID Vaccination Rates Remain Low as Winter Nears

Worn down by pandemic-era vaccine overload, many Americans are ignoring pleas by health officials to get immunized against the flu and COVID-19, new data shows.

According to U.S. ...

07 Nov
FDA Proposes Ban on a 'Useless' Decongestant, Phenylephrine

FDA Proposes Ban on a 'Useless' Decongestant, Phenylephrine

More than a year after its advisory panel unanimously declared the drug phenylephrine to be useless against nasal congestion, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is proposing that it b...

26 Oct
What You Need to Know About FluMist, the Nasal Flu Vaccine

What You Need to Know About FluMist, the Nasal Flu Vaccine

Now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the at-home use of the flu vaccine spray FluMist, how do you know that it's the right choice for you and your family?

One expert offers advice on the spray's efficacy and how to figure out if FluMist is your bes...

17 Oct
The Right Time is Now to Get Your Flu Vaccine

The Right Time is Now to Get Your Flu Vaccine

Folks who want solid protection during the cold and flu season should get the influenza vaccine now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

The ideal time to get the flu vacc...

03 Oct
This Season's Flu Vaccine Cuts Risk of Hospitalization by Almost 35%

This Season's Flu Vaccine Cuts Risk of Hospitalization by Almost 35%

THURSDAY, Oct. 3, 2024, HealthDay News -- The Southern Hemisphere's flu season is winding down, and new data shows this year's flu shot was 34.5% ...

25 Sep
Most Americans Won't Get Vaccinated as Flu, COVID Season Looms: Survey

Most Americans Won't Get Vaccinated as Flu, COVID Season Looms: Survey

Most Americans don’t plan to get vaccinated against the flu or COVID-19 this season, a new survey has found.

Fewer than two in five U.S. adults (38%) say they will definitel...

25 Sep
Experimental Nasal Spray Might Ward Off Multiple Viruses

Experimental Nasal Spray Might Ward Off Multiple Viruses

A non-drug nasal spray could theoretically help stop the spread of respiratory viruses like the flu and COVID-19 better than wearing a mask, a new study suggests.

The spray uses i...

22 Sep
Is It a Cold, Flu or COVID? An Expert Helps You Sort It Out

Is It a Cold, Flu or COVID? An Expert Helps You Sort It Out

It's that time of year when respiratory viruses start to circulate widely, but how can you tell the difference between the symptoms of a cold, the flu and COVID?

Dr. William Bria...

20 Sep
FDA Approves First Flu Vaccine You Give Yourself at Home

FDA Approves First Flu Vaccine You Give Yourself at Home

The days of waiting for a flu shot at your doctor's office or local pharmacy may be over: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved FluMist nasal spray as the first influenza vaccine that can be self-administered at home.

It's a "new option for receiving a...

16 Sep
Expert Advice on Preparing for the Fall COVID, Flu Season

Expert Advice on Preparing for the Fall COVID, Flu Season

People should prepare for the fall cold and flu season by getting the updated influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations, an infectious diseases expert says.

“When my patients ask me...

12 Sep
Many Americans Wary of Vaccines as Fall Flu, COVID Season Looms: Survey

Many Americans Wary of Vaccines as Fall Flu, COVID Season Looms: Survey

A lot of Americans are on the fence regarding annual flu and COVID shots, a new survey finds.

More than one-third of those polled (37%) said they’d gotten vaccines in the past...

09 Sep
Obesity Raises Risk of Severe Infection, Especially in People With Diabetes

Obesity Raises Risk of Severe Infection, Especially in People With Diabetes

Losing weight can help a person with obesity -- especially those with diabetes -- fend off serious infections, new data shows.

It's an important finding, since "up to one in three hospitalizations in people with diabetes are for infections and people with diabetes are tw...

22 Aug
Universal Flu Vaccine Blocks Infection in Mice

Universal Flu Vaccine Blocks Infection in Mice

A universal flu vaccine that would protect against all influenza strains -- and that people might not need to take every year -- could be close at hand, researchers report.

An exp...

15 Jul
Could OTC Nasal Sprays Ease Colds & Flu and Cut Antibiotic Use?

Could OTC Nasal Sprays Ease Colds & Flu and Cut Antibiotic Use?

Over-the-counter nasal sprays could be a potent weapon against a major public health threat -- antibiotic resistance, researchers report.

Their analysis, which looked at data from nearly 14,000 adults, found that common nasal sprays could help keep upper respiratory trac...

02 Jul
U.S. Government to Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Flu Vaccine

U.S. Government to Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Flu Vaccine

U.S. health officials announced Tuesday that the federal government will pay Moderna $176 million to speed development of a pandemic flu vaccine based on mRNA technology.

Such a vaccine could be used to treat bird flu in people, as concern grows about H5N1 cases spr...

28 Jun
Bird Flu Virus Stays Active on Cow Milking Equipment for at Least One Hour

Bird Flu Virus Stays Active on Cow Milking Equipment for at Least One Hour

The spread of H5N1 avian flu to dairy cows has health experts and many Americans on edge, and now a new study finds the virus stays viable on milking equipment for at least an hour.

"Dairy cows have to be milked even if they are sick, and it has not been clear for how lo...

25 Jun
Simple Paper-Strip Test Might Spot Flu, and Which Type You Have

Simple Paper-Strip Test Might Spot Flu, and Which Type You Have

A simple and inexpensive paper strip test could help diagnose a case of the flu, and even identify the influenza strain that caused it, a new study finds.

The test can distinguish between

13 Jun
'Dual Mutant' Seasonal Flu Virus Could Make Some Treatments Ineffective

'Dual Mutant' Seasonal Flu Virus Could Make Some Treatments Ineffective

Two human cases of "dual mutant" strains of H1N1 flu have been reported by U.S. health officials.

Unfortunately, the genetic changes appear to render the leading flu antiviral, Tamiflu, less effective, researchers fro...

10 Jun
Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine

Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine

An experimental vaccine that could offer one-stop prevention for both COVID-19 and influenza is showing positive results among older adults in trials, maker Moderna announced Monday.

The shot -- for now called mRNA-1083 -- "has met its primary endpoints, eliciting a high...

28 May
Scientists Developing mRNA-Based Vaccine Against H5N1 Bird Flu

Scientists Developing mRNA-Based Vaccine Against H5N1 Bird Flu

An experimental mRNA vaccine against the H5N1 avian flu is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in lab animals, researchers report.

The vaccine could help fight...

30 Apr
Florida Dolphin Found Infected With Bird Flu

Florida Dolphin Found Infected With Bird Flu

H5N1 avian "bird" flu is making headlines this week, with new reports finding inactive virus detected in 1 in 5 U.S. milk samples.


23 Apr
Neosporin Ointment in the Nose Might Be Potent Antibiotic

Neosporin Ointment in the Nose Might Be Potent Antibiotic

Want to prevent a respiratory infection?

A fingerful of Neosporin antibiotic swabbed inside your nose might help you fight off a range of invading respiratory viruses, a new study claims.

Lab animals whose noses were treated using neomycin -- the main ingredient in...

01 Apr
Texan Has Contracted H5N1 Bird Flu; CDC Calls Threat to Public 'Low'

Texan Has Contracted H5N1 Bird Flu; CDC Calls Threat to Public 'Low'

An unnamed person in Texas had been diagnosed with the H5N1 avian flu after close contact with infected dairy cattle, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday.

It's only the second case ever confirmed in the United States (the first was in Col...

26 Mar
ERs Might Be Good Spots to Offer Flu Shots

ERs Might Be Good Spots to Offer Flu Shots

New research offers an easy prescription to get people to roll up their sleeves for a flu shot.

Just ask them to. 

And then reinforce the invitation with a little video and print encouragement.

"Our study adds to the growing body of knowledge showing tha...

21 Mar
Flu May Be Tougher on Brain Health Than COVID-19: Study

Flu May Be Tougher on Brain Health Than COVID-19: Study

The flu is more likely to lead to a neurological disorder than COVID, according to a new study that surprised its authors. 

"While the results were not what we expected to find, they are reassuring in that we found being hospitalized with COVID did not lead to more ...

01 Mar
Bird Flu Found in Sea Mammals, Upping Risk to Humans

Bird Flu Found in Sea Mammals, Upping Risk to Humans

Bird flu has mutated to spread more easily between birds and marine mammals, increasing the potential risk to humans, a new study warns.

Four sea lions, one fur seal and a tern found dead in Argentina all tested positive for the avian influenza virus H5N1, researchers re...

09 Feb
How Would an FDA Ban on Popular Cold Meds Affect Americans?

How Would an FDA Ban on Popular Cold Meds Affect Americans?

America's most popular cold medications contain a nasal decongestant that doesn't work, creating a knotty dilemma for regulators, a new study reports.

Cold remedies containing phenylephrine remain consumers' most popular choice, despite decades of concern that the decong...

31 Jan
Folks Often Hide Infectious Illness at Work, Socializing

Folks Often Hide Infectious Illness at Work, Socializing

A disturbing number of people sick with an infectious disease conceal their illness to avoid missing work, travel or social events, new research reveals.

About three in four people (75%) had either hidden an infectious illness from others at least once or might do so in ...

26 Jan
Feed a Cold and a Fever, Experts Say

Feed a Cold and a Fever, Experts Say

The old saying "feed a cold, starve a fever"is baloney, doctors say.

People fighting off a seasonal respiratory virus need adequate nutrition, regardless of their symptoms, according to advice from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Fever is just one of the...

25 Jan
Putting the Lid Down Won't Cut Germ Spread From a Toilet Flush

Putting the Lid Down Won't Cut Germ Spread From a Toilet Flush

THURSDAY, Jan. 25, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- It's been said that closing the toilet lid before flushing can prevent the spread of all germs, by keeping any flush-produced mist in the bowl.

But a new study refutes that, showing that tiny viral particles spread to many rest...

25 Jan
Robitussin Honey Cough Syrup Recalled Due to Fungal Threat

Robitussin Honey Cough Syrup Recalled Due to Fungal Threat

The maker of Robitussin has recalled eight lots of Robitussin Honey CF Max Day Adult and Robitussin Honey CF Max Nighttime Adult cough syrups.

The products, which are made by Haleon, may be contaminated with a microbe, and "in immunocompromised individuals, the use of th...

23 Jan
Flu, COVID Are Spreading: Protect Your Heart

Flu, COVID Are Spreading: Protect Your Heart

Flu and COVID are sweeping across the country, posing a particular hazard to people at risk for heart disease.

These respiratory infections can trigger heart complications from fever, dehydration and inflammation, experts from Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital say.

15 Jan
Flu Activity Slows Down, But Season Far From Over: CDC

Flu Activity Slows Down, But Season Far From Over: CDC

Following weeks of increases in flu activity, the latest U.S. government data shows "a single-week decrease" for the first time in months.

But health officials warn that the flu season is far from over, with a surge ...

29 Dec
Could Antibody Discovery Lead to Better Flu Vaccines?

Could Antibody Discovery Lead to Better Flu Vaccines?

Researchers appear to have discovered a new weapon in the war on a particularly difficult foe.

They have identified a previously unrecognized class of antibodies that seem to be capable of neutralizing multiple strains of the flu virus.

Their findings, recently rep...

18 Dec
Most U.S. Parents Plan to Vaccinate Kids Against Flu, RSV: Survey

Most U.S. Parents Plan to Vaccinate Kids Against Flu, RSV: Survey

Most parents plan to have their kids vaccinated against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), even as COVID-19 vaccine acceptance flags, a new poll finds.

Seven in 10 parents (71%) plan to have their children get an RSV jab and six in 10 (63%) plan to get thei...

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